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Showing posts from May, 2023

Happy Birthday to Idina Menzel.

Happy Birthday to Idina Menzel a.k.a. The Voice of the Disney Frozen's Movies Queen Elsa.

Happy Harvest Festival 2023.

Selamat Menyambut Pesta Ka'amatan 2023 kepada seluruh rakyat Sabah, Malaysia. _________________ Happy Harvest Festival 2023 to all the people of Sabah, Malaysia. Kotobian Tadau Tagazo Do Kaamatan #PestaKaamatan2023  

Happy Teacher's Day 2023!

Selamat Hari Guru 2023 kepada semua guru di Malaysia. __________________ Happy Teacher's Day 2023 to all the teachers in Malaysia. "GURU INSANI PEMANGKIN GENARASI MADANI" #HariGuru2023 #TeachersDay2023  

Happy Mother's Day 2023!

Selamat Hari Ibu 2023 kepada semua ibu. __________________ Happy Mother's Day 2023 to all the moms. #HariIbu2023 #MothersDay2023

Happy Wesak Day 2023!

願佛陀的天恩賜予您和您的家人一個愉快、滿足的和平生活。 祝所有佛教兄弟姐妹2023年衛塞節快樂。 _____________ May the celestial favor of Lord Buddha grant you and your family a pleasant, contented life of peace. Happy Wesak Day 2023 to all the buddhist brothers and sisters.  #衛塞節2023 #WesakDay2023 

I'm Official 24.

I'm Official 24 .

Happy Labour Day 2023!

Hari ini adalah hari untuk menghormati jiwa-jiwa yang berusaha keras dalam hidup untuk menjadikannya berbaloi.  Selamat Hari Pekerja 2023! ___________ Today is the day to honour those souls striving hard in life to make it worthwhile. Happy Labour Day 2023! #HariPekerja2023 #LabourDay2023