Keputusan Ujian Saringan Kendiri COVID-19 Saya ialah Negatif pada 15/2/2022 (Selasa) dan saya tidak mendapat Jangkitan Omicron COVID-19.
Disebabkan kes COVID-19 yang lebih tinggi di Malaysia kerana Jangkitan Varian Omicron, Anda dikehendaki / digalakkan untuk melakukan Ujian Kendiri COVID-19 sebelum keluar dari mana-mana tempat di Kawasan Zon Merah dan mengemas kini keputusan anda dalam Aplikasi Apl Mudah Alih MySejahtera, sebaik sahaja anda selesai Ujian Kendiri COVID-19 anda.
Amalkan TRIIS (Trace, Report, Isolate, Inform, and, Seek) sebelum menghadiri aktiviti sosial atau sekiranya bergejala.
My COVID-19 Self-Test Results are Negative on 15/2/2022 (Tuesday) and i didn't get the COVID-19 Omicron Infections.
Due to higher COVID-19 cases in Malaysia because of the Omicron Variants Infections, You are required / encourage to perform the COVID-19 Self- Test before headed out of the any places in Red Zone Areas and update your results in MySejahtera Mobile App, once you are done your COVID-19 Self-Test.
Practice TRIIS (Trace, Report, Isolate, Inform, and, Seek) before attending social activities or in case of symptoms.
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